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Neons Reiki Space

Energy Healing | Arts | Nature | Community Connections

Angelica Walton, DNP, RN, RYT

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Originally from New Orleans, LA, Angelica values the unique vibrancy that each of us bring to the songs of life. A lover of people and planet, Angelica teaches nursing and enjoys exploring the depths of our creative capacity through many different mediums. She works from a paradigm that honors the essence of our human to planetary relationships as being rooted in the energetic nature of our connections. This drives her work in designing for innovative systems solutions which embraces these efforts through a lens of social sustainability. Translating this to her work as an artist, writer, teacher, and journey as a life long learner has been a deeply healing and authentic experience that she seeks to share with others. Through healing practice, community building, teaching, and creating, Angelica aims to promote cultures of growth, where all are able to access opportunities for health and transformation. 


See more about Angelica's experiences through her art collections, sign up to connect for an energy healing session or community event consultation/collaboration. â€‹â€‹

Meet Angelica

"The Universe is me, and I am the Universe. The universe exists in me , and I exist in the Universe. Light exists in me, and I exist in the Light. " - Mikao Usui


Reiki is a gentle, minimally invasive Japanese based healing therapy which pairs well with other modalities and interventions. Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “universal life or spirit” and (Ki) “energy or life force”. Reiki is an act of intention often using the hands for gentle touch along the bodies systematic pathways to aid in stress reduction, autonomic regulation, and a state of balance in the mind, body, and spirit.

How do you express your creative spirit?

During my time traveling for COVID crisis work, my partner and I began to feel the plagues of burnout. We turned to the wild outdoors and decided to spend 6 weeks living in a rooftop car tent with our two dogs. We traveled through nearly 8,000 miles of land. I found travel, nature photography, and poetry as an outlet of expression and movement of the experiences we were going through. I found nature photography as a gentle way of expressing story and our remarkable relationship with the environment. From one healthcare worker to another, you are valued, seen, and not alone. Our experience is one. If it calls to you, see art here. 

Check out this New York Times Post about Angelica and her partner's travel experience by clicking the link below. 

Connect with Angelica

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Dr. Angelica Walton does not diagnose illness or disease, nor does she prescribe medications. I understand that any suggestions that are provided to me should not be taken as a diagnosis or recommendation against the advice of a licensed physician or mental health professional.

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